Place of No Stars

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|*|~Shadester~|*| 0 263 by |*|~Shadester~|*|
Apr 20, 2013 13:38:37 GMT -5


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Place of No Stars
There is no prey and cats can feel no hunger. Instead of walking the skies with friends and family, like in StarClan, evil deceased cats are banished to walk through the forest in solitude.

The Dark Forest is a dark, shadowy forest with lots of tall, dank, gray trees. It is mentioned to be a dull, vast empty place- the complete opposite of StarClan's hunting grounds, which are warm and sunny. The air is cold, thick, foggy and damp and it has an echoing silence.The Dark Forest also has a black and starless sky, and the trees are so tall, you can't see anything above them, allowing no light whatsoever to reach it. Mist is mentioned to wreathe the thick, sticky, bare forest floor. It has a sluggish river, its waters dark and lifeless with no stepping stones or fallen trees to be used to cross it, and around the river is sucking mud. Fungus sickly glows on trees, and there is no grass.
The border between the Dark Forest and StarClan is a white, eerie light. Here the grass is thin where it eventually disappears.At this point the air is so foggy that it is hard to breathe and see anything in front of you.
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